Psychosocial Safety in the workplace with The WID Factor 

Do your leaders know how to minimise psychosocial risks and engage employees for effective business outcomes?

SafeWork Australia – as of August 2022, regulated workplaces to proactively address psychosocial (emotional and social) hazards. This means leaders need to be able to recognise and minimise these risks. 

The WID Factor is your organisation’s cornerstone for building self awareness, emotional intelligence and stronger relationships in teams, reducing the risk of work-related stress and burnout. 

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Psychosocial Safety Workshop Outcomes


Increased wellbeing and psychological safety 

Unconscious bias

Encourages perspective taking and diversity of thought 


A team that works together with greater ease and creativity 


Practical strategies for preventing stress and burnout


Increased individual and team resilience 


Empowering your people with the skills and know how for self awareness and high performance

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As leaders, it is your job to create a safe environment for people to bring themselves to work.

Professor Amy C. Edmondson

Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School

Business Benefits

Increased employee engagement 

Increased wellbeing and psychological safety 

Team adaptability and innovation 

Increased productivity and profit 

Evidence of the  impact the of Psychological Safety 

“...a longitudinal study by Google’s People Analytics Unit found that their highest performing teams shared one norm: psychological safety. In these teams, people felt free to share the things that worried or concerned them without fear of embarrassment, rejection, recrimination...”

How it works!

The WID Factor presents a simple, yet profound understanding of human personality and what motivates us to do what we do. 

The WID Factor Psychological Safety workshop:

  • Helps you discover the three centres of intelligence – the head, the heart and the gut and how this centre determines your wellbeing needs at work 
  • Encourages an understanding of the specific needs attached to these centres and how to get these needs fulfilled for increased team trust and psychological safety 
  • Supports the team to identify easy to apply strategies to create a safe team environment 

Each workshop starts with an online personality questionnaire which produces a personalised a 46-page WID report. 

Trainers use the WID Framework, which identifies the three centres of Intelligence - Head, Heart and Gut, for team-based solutions that support: 

  • self-awareness 
  • improved trust and communication
  • increased collaboration
  • increased connectivity 

All of which are proactive in preventing psychosocial hazards. 

"The key to personal freedom"

My behaviour and your behaviour might look the same, but why I do what I do might be completely different.

WID doesn't just look at behaviours, it looks behind the behaviours to core motivation, to why you do what you do. This is the key to personal freedom.

Book a Free Consultation

To learn more and discuss how The WID Factor workshop can help you or your team
please book a free consultation with us and we can discuss more about our workshops and other services we provide.

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